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Four Myths about Meditation

There are different ideas about what meditation is. In general, many people consider meditation a pointless waste of time. The point of this article is to change the erroneous opinion of the majority and help those who want to discover something new, learn how to solve the exciting problems of their lives with the help of simple exercises.
So, the first myth is that learning to meditate is difficult.
The main fear of beginners is the need for great efforts without a guarantee of success. The main reason for this assumption is that teachers tend to talk about coming to "emptiness" in the process of meditation. Such a state means absolute liberation from thoughts for a long time, and it is considered extremely difficult to achieve. At the same time, there are simple, but no less effective techniques that help stop the internal dialogue to immerse yourself in meditation, for example, concentration.
The second myth is that mental activity forms an obstacle to meditation.
This is absolutely not the case. Only uncontrolled and disorderly mental activity will interfere. But with a thought that consciousness has taken control of, you can create truly amazing things. In addition, the goal of each meditation is to achieve a state of knowledge, in other words, to find answers to your questions. It is enough to formulate the question to yourself, and then prepare to accept the answers that come, without ignoring or belittling their significance.
The need to constantly sit in the lotus position is the third myth.
In fact, any pose that seems comfortable enough to a person is suitable for meditation. It is acceptable to sit in an armchair or on a chair, or lie on a bed. The main thing is not to feel uncomfortable, and this happens when parts of the body become numb or begin to hurt. Any distracting sensations interfere with meditation, disrupting concentration. The lotus position is recommended to be used by experienced practitioners and people who understand its innermost meaning.
The fourth myth is the belief that meditation does not bring practical benefits.
This opinion prevails among people who are not too interested in spiritual practices. For them, meditation is akin to daydreaming. Usually, this myth is dispelled as soon as a person defines a specific goal for himself and achieves it during the very first meditations.
Every action performed in visual meditations manifests itself in reality. If done correctly, the consequences will be positive, and if not, problems will arise. This is because in the process of meditation, a person communicates with his own subconscious mind, and it is it that is able to create what he wants. F88bet
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